Pls Help I Cri Dude Just Mumbles on N on And They Made It 3 Hours Again


Summary:Peter is home alone and ends up breaking his ankle. Figuring his super healing will fix it overnight, he doesn't tell anyone and tries to sleep it off, only to wake up in the middle of the night in agony. Cue Tony, saving his ass yet again.

(Alternative title: Super Healing is Not All it's Cracked Up To Be Tibia)

Word count: 3,174

Genre: Whump, hurt/comfort, fluffy angst

A/N: Thanks to @sallyidss for beta reading!

Link to read on Ao3

Prior to being bitten by a radioactive spider, Peter had broken exactly one bone in his life.

He was eleven. Someone dared him to do a flip on a trampoline at a classmate's birthday party. The flip itself was mediocre, but the landing was legendary. Blood streamed down Peter's face from his now crooked, throbbing nose, ruining both his brand new stormtrooper t-shirt and the horrified birthday girl's pink dress.

Ned—ever the sympathetic friend—had puked on the spot, which hadn't done wonders for either of their middle school social statuses.

Peter managed to hold it together pretty well for the twenty minutes it had taken Ben to arrive, but the second the car door was shut and they pulled out of the driveway, the façade crumbled. Peter's shoulders shook and tears ran down his cheeks, stinging his nose, because, as it turned out, broken bones just really hurt. Almost as much as Peter's pride.

But Ben was there, and Ben always knew how to make Peter feel better. He cracked jokes about his nephew's failing gymnastics career and tossed wadded up Burger King napkins at the kid's messy face all the way to urgent care until Peter's choked sobs turned to quiet giggles.

The doctor reset Peter's nose and May fussed over him all weekend, making sure he was icing it appropriately. Three weeks later, he was back to normal.

But that was before the bite—before Peter had taken the unofficial job of crime-fighting teenage vigilante.

He's up to eight bones now, lifetime total. Besides the nose, there were four ribs last summer (for the record, being thrown into brick walls really sucks), his collarbone back in January (missed a web and crashed onto the roof of a parking garage), and two fingers just before spring break (got stomped on by some dude gallivanting about in a rhino costume, what even is his life?). Luckily, super healing came as part of the package, so what had taken Peter's sixth grade body weeks to repair, he now accomplishes in mere hours.

Today, however, it's not Spider-Man who injures himself. It's just Peter Parker, fresh off an evening patrol, wiping out in the goddamn shower.

"Oh shit!" Peter gasps sharply as his feet slide out from under him on the wet surface. His hand flies out on reflex and grasps the shower curtain, which he pulls down on top of him. As he slams onto the floor of the tub, his ankle rolls sideways underneath him. A split-second later, the metal curtain rod hits him in the face.

"…Rude…" he groans.

Water is still streaming down from the shower, splashing onto the sheet of vinyl now covering Peter's body. He pulls the curtain off himself with another groan and gingerly pushes himself up to sitting. Half-blind from the shampoo running into his eyes, he reaches up over his head and fumbles for the shower handle. The water stops.

Peter makes to stand, but a sudden jolt of pain just above his ankle stops him. With a grunt, he lets himself fall back against the tub, teeth clenched.

Oh yeah, he's never gonna live this one down.

It's not his most graceful moment, but somehow Peter manages to extricate himself from the tub. Thankfully May is out of town this weekend so no one is around to hear the crashes and muffled curses issuing from the bathroom. He quickly dries off and pulls on some clean sweat pants and a t-shirt before hopping on his left leg to retrieve a bag of frozen peas from the kitchen. Once back in his bedroom, he carefully props the already-swelling ankle up on pillows and rests his makeshift ice pack on top.

It's times like these when Peter curses his mutated spider metabolism for burning through normal painkillers so fast that Tylenol and ibuprofen are about as effective as Skittles. Tony has better drugs at the compound—the kind that actually work on him—but Peter isn't too keen on explaining to his mentor how someone who'd stopped a runaway car with his bare hands and walked away without a scratch a few hours ago was no match for his own bathroom.

Plus, it's really not that bad. He can deal. He'll just sleep it off and everything will be fine by the morning.


Peter wakes to nauseating pain.

It takes him a moment to orient himself. He's lying on his bed in a tangle of covers, a deep, pulsing ache radiating from his right ankle. He flaps his hand around under his pillow until he locates his phone and lifts it to his face to check the time. It's 1:13 a.m.

God, this sucks.

When Peter pushes himself up to sitting, he can't help but let out a muffled cry as a fresh wave of agony shoots through his leg all the way to the hip. It's healing—he swears he can actually feel the bone knitting itself back together under his skin—but something about it feels different. Wrong.

Flipping on the bedside lamp, he pulls his covers off his aching foot and instantly gasps at the sight. It's purple with bruises and swollen to double its usual size. On the side, right where the ache is deepest, the bone is jutting out at a weird angle and his stomach rolls at the sight. When he tries to move his foot slightly, searing pain nearly makes him lose his dinner.

This isn't right. None of his past breaks have ever hurt this much. He can't do this anymore—he needs help.

Fingers trembling, he types out his message: Mr. Stark? Are you awake?

It's about thirty seconds before Peter sees the three dots indicating that Tony is typing: Haven't slept since the 90s, kid. Why?

Peter steels himself with a deep breath as another pulse of pain stabs his ankle. He types out and backspaces a few different variations of his confession, ranging from 'I fucked up my ankle and it's killing me pls send help' to 'Nothing, just couldn't sleep, sorry' before finally settling on a vague version of the truth:

I might have done something dumb

Within five seconds of sending the text, Peter's phone starts ringing, startling him. His fingers fumble to accept the call. When he speaks, his voice comes out more like a squeak than anything else. "Yeah?"

Tony cuts right to the chase. "How dumb are we talking here?" he asks briskly. "Because my lawyers generally appreciate a heads up."

"No, it's not that kind of dumb," Peter manages to grit out through the pain. "It's um… it's just…" he trails off, not sure quite how to word this.

"It's one in the morning. Just spit it out," Tony prompts.

Tears are pricking at the corners of Peter's eyes now, the ache somehow finding a way to become even deeper. "I-I got hurt," he manages to say.

Tony's tone instantly sobers. "Where? How bad?"

"No no, it's not that bad," Peter says quickly. "I just messed up my ankle or something. I thought I could just sleep it off and my healing would fix it, but it's like"—he takes a shuddery inhale—"It just… it just really hurts, Mr. Stark." He wants to cry; he feels absolutely pathetic.

Tony curses under his breath and Peter hears a lot of movement from the other end of the line. "Why didn't I get any alerts from Karen on this?" he demands. "Because I put all those safety features in your suit for a reason and if I find out you coerced that Ned buddy of yours into disabling yet another layer of security, I swear to god, Pete—"

"I didn't, I promise," Peter interrupts. "Karen doesn't know because it didn't happen on patrol."

"How did it happen then?"

"I just… kinda fell?"

"You fell?" Tony questions, confusion in his voice. "Fell where?"

Peter's face flushes. "You know what, I-I'll be okay," he says. "I'm sorry to bother you, it'll be fine in the morning, just—" Another pulse of pain shoots daggers up his right leg and his breath hitches.

"I'm already on my way," Tony says, and Peter can hear the sound of wind rushing over the line now. "ETA, thirteen minutes."

"Oh no, you don't have to come out here!" Peter protests. "I just need some of those painkillers that you and Dr. Banner made. I dunno, maybe you could just send a couple over in one of your suits…?"

"Cute," Tony remarks. "It's adorable how you think I'm gonna let a fifteen-year-old dose out a drug strong enough to knock the Winter Soldier on his ass."

"I'm sixteen now," Peter argues. "Sixteen and a half, actually."

"Equally adorable how you think stating your age in fractions helps your case," Tony quips. "Listen, just hold tight, kid—I'll be there soon."

Peter sighs as the call disconnects.


Eleven minutes later, Tony arrives at the apartment and lets himself in with the spare key May had given him when it became apparent Peter's internship was more than just a run-of-the-mill semester-long program. He pauses in the doorway of Peter's messy room to gaze at the miserable teenager sprawled out on the bed.

"Jesus, kid," Tony swears quietly.

Peter gives a small wave. "Hey," he mumbles. The nausea is back and he's sweating slightly now. "Did you bring the drugs?"

"I did," Tony says, his gaze narrowing as he steps closer to the bed, "but given that your ankle is currently resembling Violet Beauregarde's, you're not getting any until FRIDAY does her thing."

Peter huffs, but he's in too much pain to come up with anything witty to say. He holds still as Tony taps twice at the nanotech armor's housing unit on his chest. A light appears and quickly scans over Peter's body from head to toe.

After a moment, the light disappears again. "Scan complete, boss," FRIDAY reports. "Partially healed misaligned fracture detected in the lower right tibia."

"I broke my leg?" Peter balks. "I thought it was the ankle?"

"Your ankle is made up of three bones," Tony explains. He pulls out his phone and starts typing something as he goes on. "Tibia, fibula…"—he pauses and glances up, frowning—"and that one that doesn't rhyme."

"The talus, boss," FRIDAY supplies.

Diverting his attention back to the phone screen, Tony gives a short nod of acknowledgment. "Yeah, that one."

"Oh." Peter glances down awkwardly. "Um, I'm gonna take anatomy next semester."

Tony hums absently. He finishes tapping out whatever message he's been sending and pockets the device again. "In the meantime, I'm sure Bruce can tell you more fun bone facts when we get to Medbay."

"Whoa, wait, what do you mean Medbay?" Peter demands, a fresh wave of panic and guilt crashing over him. "All I need is some meds so I can sleep through the worst of it and I'll be fine," he insists.

Tony huffs. "Your knowledge of anatomy might be lacking, but last time I checked you were getting an A in English so you should know that 'misaligned' isn't a word you want connected to 'fracture'. It's healing wrong. You need x-rays. And a real doctor."

With a groan, Peter drapes his arm dramatically over his face. "Great. Even my super healing is against me."

"Not to mention you still haven't told me how you fell," Tony continues with a pointed look, "so if you're trying to hide some other injury, or a vertigo thing, or—"

"I'm not," Peter mumbles into the crook of his elbow. With a sigh, he lowers the arm from his face and looks miserably up at his mentor. "I just slipped in the stupid shower."

To Tony's credit, he doesn't laugh.

(Even though his lips do twitch.)

Instead, he steps out of the bedroom and returns a moment later with a cup of water, which he hands to the kid along with two of the super strength painkillers from the orange pill bottle in his pocket. Peter downs them gratefully.

"Your aunt's got her car here, right?" Tony checks.

Peter nods. "She took an Uber to the airport. Won't be back until late Sunday. Conference for work."

"Think she'd mind if we use it as a makeshift ambulance?"

Peter just shrugs.

"Alright then." Tony presses the housing unit again and this time the armor encases his whole body. "Now I'm gonna pick you up and carry you down to the parking lot, and you're not gonna make a big deal about it. Capisce?"

Peter suppresses a groan of embarrassment as he's gathered carefully into Tony's arms. Maybe next time he wipes out in the shower, he'll get lucky and just drown.


The painkillers are strong and Peter ends up sleeping through most of the two-hour drive back to the compound. By the time they pull into the parking garage—May's little dented Ford Focus looking positively ridiculous next to Tony's array of expensive sports cars—it's nearly four in the morning.

Bruce is waiting for them with a wheelchair, which Peter instantly balks at using.

"I don't need that—I can totally walk," he protests.

Bruce gives him a sympathetic smile. "Yeah, that's not a good idea. Judging by the scans FRIDAY sent ahead for me, your bone rotated as it healed—that's why it looks so deformed right now. Walking on it is only going to cause further problems."

"You heard the man," Tony says, gesturing to the chair. He smirks. "Unless you'd prefer me to get the suit on again."

With a groan, Peter transfers himself into the chair. His ankle really does feel better now. The swelling is down and the pain only flares up when he jostles it too much—he can tell the bone has mostly knit itself back together.

Once back in Medbay, they're joined by another doctor—someone from SHIELD called Helen Cho who Peter has never met before. She does some x-rays and an MRI while Peter half-dozes, still foggy from the medication.

When the scans are complete, he's transferred back to a hospital bed while the two doctors talk over the results with him and Tony. Peter tries to pay attention but he's still groggy and exhausted, so the medical jargon sounds more like irritating droning than actual words. Then all of a sudden, the three of them start throwing around words like 'rebreaking' and 'inserting pins' and 'realignment surgery' and Peter snaps right out of his haze.

"Whoa, whoa, what do you mean surgery?" Peter demands. "It's fine, oh my god."

Dr. Cho gives him a half-smile. "Look here, Peter." She holds up the x-ray and points to the bulge on the side of Peter's ankle. "This malunion is going to significantly reduce your mobility, as well as potentially cause chronic pain. Given your"—she pauses for a moment—"unusually active lifestyle, I would highly suggest surgical correction sooner rather than later."

And that's how, several hours later, Peter finds himself lying on a bed in a pre-op room at SHIELD Medical, waiting for some surgeons to take a bone-saw to his freshly healed right leg.

"How you feeling, kiddo?" Tony asks, plopping himself down in an armchair beside the bed.

"Really stupid," Peter answers honestly. He gazes down at the deformed bones in his ankle. "All this from falling in the shower."

Tony huffs out a laugh. "Eh, this shit happens. One time in college, I threw my back out during a ping-pong match with Rhodey."

Peter's eyes widen. "Seriously?"

Tony nods. "Bodies are dumb. Even enhanced ones—did you know Steve once sneezed so hard he dislocated a rib?"

Peter gives him a skeptical look. "Now you're joking."

"Cross my heart," Tony chuckles. "Then Thor clapped him on the back and popped it back in."

Peter opens his mouth to express his disbelief at this information, but before he can do so, a nurse dressed in light blue scrubs comes in to take him to the OR. A fresh wave of anxiety comes over Peter and he shoots his mentor a pleading look.

"You're really sure this is necessary?" Peter tries one last time.

Tony gives his shoulder a squeeze. "You'll be fine," he assures. "As soon as you're healed up, I'll teach you some sweet ping-pong moves."

Peter smirks. "Maybe I should get Rhodey to show me so I don't throw out my back."

"Nah, you don't want him either," Tony says, waving his hand dismissively. "I might have thrown out my back, but he ended up with a concussion."

Peter blinks at him. "What kind of ping-pong games did you play?"

Tony locks eyes with him. "Ball is life, kid."


The surgery itself goes as well as can be expected. Peter wakes up groggy and disoriented, with three new metal pins inside his ankle and a bright red cast around the outside. Bruce feeds him ice chips, and Tony video calls May from his Starkpad so she can fuss over her nephew a bit from Denver. Peter silently marvels at how this ridiculous life he leads has somehow brought him to the point where Iron Man and the Hulk are functioning as his postoperative caretakers.

Then his thoughts are derailed when he suddenly throws up bile all over the bedsheets and Tony's tablet.

"It's okay, Peter," Bruce assures the thoroughly humiliated boy—who is now clutching a pink plastic basin to his chest as if his life depends on it—as he helps the nurse to strip the bed. "Nausea is a really common side effect of the anesthesia, and especially considering how much you had to be under for your metabolism, this is to be expected."

Standing off to the side, wiping the tablet down with disposable disinfectant wipes, Tony huffs. "I mean if you knew that, Bruce, you could have warned me…"

Whether the antiemetics the doctors give Peter do their job or simply knock him out through the worst of the nausea, Peter will never know. But when he wakes again a few hours later, life is significantly better.


He's released from Medical the next morning and Tony brings him back to the compound to finish recovering in his own room. The cast comes off Sunday morning and Peter's good as new.

Late Sunday afternoon, Tony drops Peter back off at his apartment—Happy tailing along behind in a much shinier, undented, and heavily upgraded Ford Focus—and thanks May for loaning him her vehicle before asking permission to use their restroom.

Emerging from the bathroom a few minutes later, Tony ruffles Peter's hair and tells the kid to take it easy before driving off again.

When Peter goes to take a shower later that night, he finds the floor of the tub covered in adhesive non-slip rubber duck decals.

(Yeah, Peter's never gonna live this one down.)


Fic Masterlist

For more Tony helping Peter out sticky of situations, try:

  •  You Broke Tony
  •  The Five Times Peter Denies an Illness or Injury + the One Time He Doesn't


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